École Leduc Junior High School


  • Board of Trustees: Remembrance Day Statement

    Posted on    Posted in BGSD, Black Gold School Division, Board, General

    As we prepare to honor Remembrance Day, let us pause to reflect on a powerful truth: the freedom, the security, the privileges we often take for granted—these things did not come easy.

    These things are the legacy of those who, in the face of fear, in the face of tyranny, chose courage.

    They are the legacy of veterans who stood for something larger than themselves, for values and ideals that have shaped, and continue to shape, who we are today.

    This Remembrance Day, let us gather, let us remember, and let us recommit ourselves to the ideals that they held so dear.

    At 11 o’clock on November 11th, let us pause together to honor their memory, not just with silence, but with a promise—a promise to build a future that honors the peace they fought so hard to protect and not to repeat what they endured.

    Lest We Forget.

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