École Leduc Junior High School


  • Life Lessons From Your Pets

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    Greetings ÉLJHS Families,

    It is great to be back at school and it is so nice to see all of our staff and students again.  During the first few weeks of my time off, I didn’t move around too much and spent most of my daytimes as a personal groomer for my two big dogs, Odin and Loki.  At first, they seemed surprised that I was home each day and then gradually became more and more needy. After a few days, I couldn’t walk around the house without them following me or crawling all over me.  One afternoon, while I was covered in 250 pounds of dog, it occurred to me that “being needed” is an important feeling for all of us, especially in a school setting.  It is of the utmost importance that our students feel like they belong and that they are needed in our school. In addition, our staff must know that they are needed and valued by our school and our school families.  When both our students and our staff recognize how important they are to our school, and to each other, we create an amazing environment where everyone flourishes. I am very proud of the work our students and staff do at ÉLJHS and I thank all of our families for being so supportive of our school.  

    Have a great 2025!

    Mr. Chomlak

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