École Leduc Junior High School


  • Summer is Coming!

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    Greetings Parents and Caregivers,

    We made it to the last month of school and we are making our final push towards the finish line. The students are getting excited for summer break and I am sure they are all looking forward to their final exams.  My message last month focused on our Grade 9’s and their move to their new schools.  I know all of our staff will miss them and we wish them all the best.   I would also like to recognize our Grade 7’s and Grade 8’s who will be transitioning into new grades next year.  It was a fun year with all of you and our staff is very proud of all of your achievements this year and we are looking forward to your leadership in 2024-2025.  Finally, I would like to recognize the hard work of all of our staff at ÉLJHS.  Your dedication and commitment to the students in our school is what makes ÉLJHS an amazing place to work and learn.  I would also like to wish all of our staff members who are leaving to new districts, new schools, and new professions the very best and know that you will be missed by all of our students and staff.  

    Have an amazing month and a fantastic summer!

    Mr. Chomlak

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